So you started your biz a few years ago and things have been going great. The momentum is there, and the clarity over who you are, what you offer, and who is serve is crystal clear. But now you've got this itch. And it eats away at you every time you go to produce a new piece of content or put your name on it. That feeling right there, that's one of the number one signs that you're due a brand refresh...
Business life is never stagnant. We're forever evolving and shifting to keep at pace with client and industry demands. With change being constant, how do we know when the change we're experiencing is enough to throw confetti at the wall and dive into a brand refresh? Here are my top three tell-tale signs.

Since starting your business there's a good chance somewhere along the way you've changed a service or product offering, or you've pivoted in your approach a little. That's all fairly normal. However, when the changes you make are fundamental to what your business stands for, then it's key to consider how and if your brand still fits into the bigger picture.
Fundamental changes are things like changes to your target audience, your industry, your operating region, or your core products and services.
For me, it was the shift away from working purely for health and wellness brands that really made my old logo feel like a misrepresentation of my business.
A key purpose of any brand is to help make a business look and sound appealing to its target audience. Everything about the way a logo is designed, to the language a brand uses should be done with your ideal client in mind. Always considering what they're interested in, what they're drawn to, and how you can position yourself among that.
When you start to notice that you're not longer attracting the kinds of customers or clients that you want to be working with, take a look at your branding. Outdated brands can dilute the quality and type of your prospective audiences as they suggest that your business and its offerings might too be a little outdated. In addition, certain colours and styles naturally align better with certain people. If your brand is fairly new but still not attracting the right people, then it could be the elements within the brand that are not quite right.
You know your business better than anyone, and when your brand starts to feel ick that's a pretty good indication that it's time for a shake up. Being bored of your brand is one thing. You stare at it and work with it every day. It's normal to go through phases of feeling a bit meh about it. But when the feelings go from bored to queasy and uneasy, those are the feelings to listen to.
The more I felt into my business, the more resistant I became to my old branding. The mandala didn't feel right anymore, and the overall vibe (colours, language, everything) still had a strong jargon-laden-slightly-detached corporate undertone that I'd brought with me from my previous life working for large organisations. I'd always said I was about good vibes and making marketing fun, so it was this complete misalignment that really fed into my desire for a brand refresh.
Time for a refresh?
If any of this has resonated with you, and you too have been sitting with that ick feeling towards your brand perhaps you too could be due a refresh? If you've love a helping hand bringing the new look and feel of your business to life, check out my branding offerings or give me a shout. I'd love to help!
With good vibes,